Corona in VR

This VR experience takes people through a journey in a grocery store to create awareness about the different surfaces shoppers tend to touch which could result in the spread of covid 19.
It was made at the beginning of the first ever lockdown, when we had just entered a new era.
Timeframe: 1 week

project overview

Grocery shopping is an essential need, even in the situation of a pandemic. One cannot completely avoid it. However, we can try and ensure our safety during this essential activity by taking all necessary precautions. This project helps the user understand what the surfaces might be high risk in terms of spreading the virus through a virtual world.

The aim is to show visitors what the ‘spread’ of the virus looks like in a public environment and what are the surfaces that they should not touch by visually showing areas that are contaminated in an immersive way.

research insights

  • Covid 19 droplets are not affected by air flowing through a space, but instead fall fairly close to where they originate.
  • There’s evidence that respiratory viruses can be transmitted through the air in tiny, dry particles known as aerosols.
  • Viruses would rather be moist, and many fade from being infectious if left dry for too long.
  • There’s evidence that coronaviruses last longer on surfaces than other illnesses, around three to 12 hours.
  • The difference between outdoor and indoor transmission is mainly dependant on the direction of air. Since indoors, air usually moves in one direction, it is easier to get the virus, whereas, outdoors, since air goes in all directions, there is a lesser chance for the particles to come particularly in your direction, hence the chances of getting the virus are lesser.

high risk surfaces

  • Carts
  • Baskets
  • Door handles
  • Card machines
  • Computer keyboard and mouse
  • Tabletops
  • Refrigerators
  • Paper money
  • Pens on counter